Customer Grid-Supply Plus
Customer Grid-Supply Plus (CGS Plus) allows customers to install private rooftop solar or other renewables that export energy to the electric grid throughout the day. CGS Plus also requires the use of equipment that allows the utility to manage output to maintain safe, reliable grid operation.
Customers receive a monthly bill credit for energy delivered to the grid, which helps to offset the cost of energy pulled from the grid when the system isn’t producing enough energy to meet the household demand. The export credit is fixed through Oct. 20, 2022.
Island |
CGS Plus Credit Rate* |
Oahu |
10.08 cents/kWh |
Maui |
12.17 cents/kWh |
Lanai |
20.80 cents/kWh |
Molokai |
16.77 cents/kWh |
Hawaii Island |
10.55 cents/kWh |
*Export credits will be trued-up on an annual basis and any remaining credits left over at the end of the year expire with the utility cost reductions benefitting all customers.
The CGS Plus program has a capacity limit that varies by utility. The available capacity is shown here and CGS Plus+ will remain open until the installed capacity is reached.
CGS Plus Program Capacity |
Oahu |
35 MW |
Maui County |
7 MW |
Hawaii Island |
7 MW |
The safe, reliable operation of the electric grid is important to everyone. The combination of utility system upgrades and leading-edge, customer-facing technology is providing new opportunities to connect more private rooftop solar systems in less time with greater efficiency. All new rooftop solar systems in Hawaii are now required to use advanced inverters that help maintain a stable and reliable grid. Click here for more information on how advanced inverters work and what it means for your system.
The primary difference between CGS Plus and other programs for private rooftop solar or other renewables is the controllability requirement. In the event of a significant grid emergency, we can disconnect your system from the grid, but only after almost all other generation sources (including the utility's own power plants) have been curtailed. The utility will curtail all CGS Plus systems as a single group or block. Systems that are curtailed under these conditions will not be able to generate electricity until the event is cleared by the utility. Controllability may be managed by a third-party (when and where available) or through a double-meter installation (including one smart meter) by the utility.
Source of information Listed below HELCO
Customer Self-Supply
Customer Self-Supply (CSS) enables customers to only install private rooftop solar systems that do not export power to the utility grid. These systems can incorporate the use of energy storage devices, like batteries. All power produced by the customer either has to be used as it is produced or stored for later use.
Because CSS systems don’t send energy to the grid, they are eligible for expedited review and approval even in areas with existing voltage limitations. Credits are not available for CSS systems and minimum billing requirements apply.
The safe, reliable operation of the grid is important to everyone. The combination of utility system upgrades and leading-edge, customer-facing technology is providing new opportunities to connect more private rooftop solar systems in less time with greater efficiency. All new systems in Hawaii are now required to use advanced inverters that help maintain a stable and reliable grid.
Source of Information HELCO .
Net Energy Metering Plus
Customer Self-Supply (CSS) enables customers to only install private rooftop solar systems that do not export power to the utility grid. These systems can incorporate the use of energy storage devices, like batteries. All power produced by the customer either has to be used as it is produced or stored for later use.
Net Energy Metering Plus (NEM Plus) is available only to current NEM customers. It allows NEM customers to add non-export capacity to their home or business without affecting their NEM status. Customers may install new panels, battery storage or a combination of both under this program. The output from the NEM Plus system is used solely on-site and is not allowed to export to the grid. The addition of the NEM Plus system does not affect the customer’s existing NEM agreement. This program benefits NEM customers whose energy demand routinely exceeds the supply provided by their rooftop solar or other renewable distributed energy resource (DER) system. It also benefits NEM customers who are considering renovations or purchases that increase electricity use, such as electric vehicles. There are no program capacity limits or queues, so there are no deadlines to meet. The only pre-requirement for participation is an executed NEM agreement. As with all our programs, we encourage customers to do their own research and to make an informed decision about whether NEM Plus is right for their situation
Source Helco .