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Knocking down Solar Energy Myths

The number of solar panels installation in Hawaii is significantly increasing, because of the many advantages that come along with- the No.1 reason is, it’s good for the environment. Despite many benefits of using solar energy, there is still skepticism flowing around the mind of many, which stop them from turning to green energy. So, we are here to knock down some common solar energy myths.

PV solar system Hawaii

Myth 1- Solar panels causes roof damage

The fact is, solar panels actually benefit your roof. It protects and prevents the portion of the roof that it covers from damage, unlike the other portion of the roof that is completely exposed to the heat and cold.

Myth 2: Solar panels do not work when it is cloudy

The fact is, solar panel technology is more advanced than you think. Solar panels are built to work efficiently and effectively in different environments- sunny, cloudy, and even snowy environments. The level of electricity generated on cold weather is equivalent to that of power generated on hot summer days.

Myth 3: Solar panels will affect the environment once reach their lifetime

The fact is, solar panels are actually built to last very long. It can be used for, maximum, 25 years, depending on the manufacturers, after which they can be recycled.

Myth 4: Solar energy can power your house when the power goes out

This is true, whenever there is a power shortage or cut downs, you can still use the energy that is collected and stored by the solar panels to power up your complete house. You will never run out of electricity.

Myth 5: Solar Panels installation is complicated and needs a lot of maintenance

The fact is, installing a solar system is relatively straightforward, provided you are using panels from a reliable manufacturer. Besides, there are several companies providing Solar Panels installation and maintenance in Hawaii at a very reasonable cost, so you don’t have to take the risk of getting shocked or falling off the roof. If you are looking for an affordable solar panel installation and maintenance services in Hawaii, call 808-557-9988.

Related Article: Benefits of Using Solar Panels in Home

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